This is my daily work: Consultations with helping care professionals around the world integrating SE into their work.

I offer regular online and phone consultations for helping professionals applying the Somatic Experiencing and psycho-biological paradigms to their practice. 

My effort is to help you refine and enjoy your SE practice more and more, regardless of where you’re studies are now.

If you’re an SE student, practitioner or other helping care professional I’d be interested in seeing if I can contribute to your work. -Twig

Information about how my SE consultations work, including answers to frequently asked questions, is below. 

Checking availability and reserving consultations times is easily done on my schedule page.

Information about Twig’s SE Consultations

Whenever my travel schedule allows I offer about 1-dozen Zoom/Phone consultations per week. The folks who pursue these tend to be:

  • Working on their SE practitioner requirements that accompany the SE training curriculum.
  • Practitioners with a burning question or challenging client situation.
  • Wanting an honest assessment about what is working for them and where improvement can be found.
  • Taking an active step to further cultivate their artfulness as an SE practitioner and seek a long term study with more regular feedback from me.

And then some people have unique needs and see that I might be of some help with them.

If I can’t really be of help I’ll know it and probably know a good place for you to get it.

What we can talk about

Anything that fits into the sensible category of helping you improve your application of Somatic Experiencing therapy and psycho-biological principles in your work. We can:

  • Review SE theory and practice with the why’s and wherefores of what we do and when.
  • Marketing, introducing and transitioning clients toward SE style sessions.
  • Issues of practitioner self-care, well-being and vitality.
  • All things psychobiology, traumatology, polyvagal theory, somatics traditions, body based modalities and the like.
  • All the nuances of challenging stuff like global high intensity activation, syndromal conditions, conflictual clients, and categorical traumas like surgeries, major shocks, scary stuff, that kind of thing.

And all other creative and timely topical concerns that will help you feel more competent and confident in this work. These conversations are a good place to ask “forbidden questions” or things you’ve felt unable to ask about in other settings. I’m known as being “easy to talk to about hard stuff.”

Here’s a declaration: The 1 on 1 consultation provides the ultimate opportunity to get the information you need to move things forward in your particular practice. 

SEI Approved

I am an approved session, consultation and group consultation provider at all levels of the SE training with the Somatic Experiencing Institute (formerly the Foundation for Human Enrichment). NOTE: I am not Faculty so these are not faculty signatures.

“Your knowledge is so filled-out and broad that you bring a fuller perspective–and very practical perspective. I look forward to just even more growth. I have every intent on getting as good as you, too! Thank you so much!”


Ruby Jo Walker, SEP

Colorado based SEP

Answers to Common Questions:

Can we use Zoom?

  • Yes. We can Zoom. Just click on Zoom when reserving time and your confirmation and reminder email will include an easy to follow link that you’ll use at the time of our meeting.

If I prefer the phone, who calls who?

  • I WILL CALL YOU at the phone number you leave with me when reserving a time.

What Time Zones are these call times for?

  • The scheduling system provides time zone translations, just click your preferred zone and the program will show you what is available. My Time Zone is usually US Pacific.

When and how much do I pay?

  • My consultation fee is $155/hr with sliding scale pricing currently available 1x per season between $75-150.

How do I receive my signature for SE Practitioner requirements?

    • After our talk I will send you a signed consultation log to add to your records.
    • If we are to talk multiple times we’ll aggregate these signatures together on one form for easier record keeping.

    Are you available at other times than those listed on your schedule?

    • My schedule and availability are currently set and limited by other projects however you can let me know if my current times don’t work for you so that in the future I might change things up if possible. I Need Different Times.

    Do you do Group Consultations?

    I’m available to talk SE with you…

    This is one of my specialties, helping people integrate and improve their SE skills. I’d prefer that every opportunity to do that was in person and free of burdened financial expense. That would be my preference in every way. As it goes, this is what I can offer right now and to the extent it may also be helpful, I’ve purposefully created a long archive of audio podcast recordings over the years to support SE students and practitioners with the kinds of information and notions I often share in these consultations. You can find them in the Podcast Archive.

    If I can help you do this SE stuff better and make it your own, I will. If I don’t know what you need next I probably know how you can find it.

    Whenever you show up on my schedule, I’ll be looking forward to our conversation and I am wishing you well along the way.

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