Designed to Help SE® Practitioners Feel More…

Confident – Comprehensive – Comfortable

…when applying Somatic Experiencing® guidelines in the Helping Professions to aid others in restoring self-regulation and well-being by successfully attending to incomplete stress response and other psycho-biological underpinnings of trauma. (Wow, that was a mouthful.) Created by Anthony Twig Wheeler

Hi, I’m Anthony Twig Wheeler

I’m personally and professionally dedicated to doing what I can to help this be a safer and saner world.

One place I’ve put a lot of my effort in that direction has been through my involvement with the Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and SE® learning community. I’m a Fan. 

I like doing that. It helps me feel safer imaging other practitioners having an easier time helping their clients feel better. was created out of my commitment to this sharing and effort.

I’m glad you’re here. If you’re an SE Practitioner or other Helping Professional the material on this site offers solace and encouragement along your way in supporting other people to feel better in this wayward world.

  • Working on Language with SEP’s in Brisbane, Australia
  • Sharing the Polyvagal Theory in Tokyo, Japan
  • Playing with SE Communications in Kobe, Japan
  • Cheering for our Success at Practicing Our Lines in Tucson, Arizona
  • Translating the SE Language in São Paulo, Brazil
  • Making Out Our Lines in Northampton, Massachusetts Practicing Our Lines Workshop
  • Breaking Our Heads in Northampton, Massachusetts Practicing Our Lines Workshop

“Thank you Twig for your tremendous understanding of SE and for your spontaneous spirit, your humanness and all round openness to be brilliant, to stumble, to pause, to create.

You have composed such a library here for the SE Community.”


Judy Young Melanson

SEP Out There in SE Land

Brief Account of the Journey to Create Twig’s

A Project Like This Develops Over Time

I joined the SE learning community in 2004 as a bodyworker and social theorist with a great personal need and a defined ambition to help spread the good news I’d found in Peter Levine’s book Waking the Tiger.

Fortunately I received profound personal and professional assistance through the SE training, both from receiving the work personally and through contact with my primary SE mentor for many years – Steven Hoskinson, now of Organic Intelligence®.

Along the way I’ve helped train hundreds, if not thousands of Somatic Experiencing® Practitioners throughout the world assisting in trainings and providing introductions, public speaking events and adjunctive workshops in Europe, DR Congo, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Canada and throughout the US.

I’m fully dedicated to an inclusive, expansive and world wide awareness of the psycho-biological insights and therapeutic rationale and guidelines formulated by Peter Levine, PhD and enhanced by the worldwide SE training community.

Everywhere I’ve engaged with the SE community I’ve found thoughtful, heartfelt, insightful people who are revitalizing the nature of aide and therapy by including appreciation of the autonomic stress response and how we can better support its completion and cultivate resiliency. In short, I’m a huge fan of SE Land.

As one participant in a worldwide effort of dedicated helping practitioners to realize the potential of healing with attention to our psycho-phsyiology, I’ve created this site to share my contributions to our shared work.

Please make yourself at home here. I’ve spent over 15 years cultivating the material available on this site.

There is plenty for you to make use of as you see fit.

Available for SE People and Other Helping Professionals

Twig has largely retired from his role as an SE training assistant and SE presenter while he moves on to other “Cultrual Animation” projects through his websites:

Twig is still regularly available for:

Twig is actively refining the:

Money Matters

You Can Help Twig Produce More and Feel Safer in this World

Twig’s is entirely self-produced and self-financed by Anthony Twig Wheeler or by direct financial contribution to support his projects from users and patrons.

There are currently no affiliate links, advertisements or other hidden revenue streams for this site. Everything said on this site comes from Twig without influence from marketers or others’ agendas. This project was designed, created and offered by Twig with this independent voice in mind.

Thus your patronage is particularly important and well-recieved.

When the works on this site prove helpful to you, please consider sharing financial reciprocity by engaging Twig in one of his paid professional services like:

Other ways to support Twig’s SE Reflections:

  1. Tell your friends and colleagues about something you found that was helpful to you.
  2. Send in some feedback and provide a public comment about what you like about Twig’s
  3. Sent Twig a Tip – You can help keep things moving forward.

I’m a cheerleader for Somatic Experiencing® students becoming refined, artful and fully realized SE Practitioners.

If I can be of help to you…

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Twig's Newsletter for Helping Care Professionals focused in SE Land

[A Re-Invigoration of is under way...]

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