Offerings from Twig for Helping Care Professionals

I’ve been doing my best to make things worth sharing with you.

Here is a collection of projects, workshops and services that I currently provide for Helping Care Professionals – particularly those integrating the Somatic Experiencing® modality into their work.

Current Online Study Guides

Where to Start and How to Proceed v.2

Twig’s best attempt to explain: “What is needed for successful SE sessions in the real world,” with practical step by step guidance on how to meet those needs. Refined and enjoyable online learning.

Twig’s Guide to the SE Language v.2

A complete exploration of the reasons, rationale, delivery and verbiage in the SE language. Critical to your success in leading clients through successful SE sessions is to know how to “Speak SE with them.”

SE Student and Practitioner Consultation – Phone/Online

Archive of Twig’s SE Reflections Podcast and Blog Posts

Newsletter for Helping Professionals

Polyvagal Theory Resources

StressLess Guide – Website

Communicating with Traumatized Clients – Workshop

Practicing Our Lines – Workshop

Small Group SE Study Session Intensives – Workshop

Marketing Your SE Work – Workshop

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Twig's Newsletter for Helping Care Professionals focused in SE Land

[A Re-Invigoration of is under way...]

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