Invite Twig to Your Community

It’s the best way to be sure of getting to hang out talking SE with me.

Hitching a ride to Seattle Airport for another Adventure Anthony Twig Wheeler holds a sign saying "Seat-Tac by 3"Most of my workshops and events are offered based on invitations from enthusiastic folks interested in my work. If that includes you some of the following information can be helpful in bringing me to your area.

I used to organize my own workshops away from my home. I’m glad I did that. Now I understand what it takes. And I’m glad I don’t do that anymore. At this point I travel for my SE workshops and presentations based purely on invitation. If you’d like to invite I’d be keen on hearing from you. Before you get in contact, please do a little research of what it is I’ve offered in the past and am currently focused on. The best way to do this is to look through my Offerings for Helping Professionals.

Another thought is for you to check out my online resources. Maybe they will give you enough of what you might need from me without needing to put together an entire program in your area. Checking out my SE Reflections blog and podcast archive is a good place to start.

You might also review my currently published schedule for another option of working with me that may already exist. Don’t be surprised if this doesn’t seem super relevant when you go to look.

What’s been getting me to travel recently are my SE Study Intensives, Practicing Our Lines workshops, Communicating with Traumatized Clients workshop, What if Everybody Knew? performance, and meetings with not-for-profit groups doing good things for people and places.

After all of that if you get super excited about creating something totally vibrant in your SE learning community then please tell me about it in a super intriguing email from my contact page.

Oh – You should definitely know: 

I’m SO NOT interested in organizing things other than my own current projects right now. By inviting me to your community, whether I’m able to come or not, you’re making a serious commitment to taking a vital role in helping to make something happen. That’d be cool. [If you just want to say “I hope you’ll come.” You can do that too!]

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Twig's Newsletter for Helping Care Professionals focused in SE Land

[A Re-Invigoration of is under way...]

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